trademark & patent
ambi-dexteris trademarks of the JasmingSourcenet Int’l Co.(“JSI”)This trademarks has been registered in different countries or cities, and has applied for trademark registration and pendingfor approval. Any person who, without the authorization of JSI, reproduces or uses the trademark, will infringe the rights of the JSI.
In case of conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the former will prevail.
The registered patents which are under the brand of JSI, such as design registration, patent for utility model …etc,the patents have been registered in different countries or cities, and have applied for patent registration and pending for approval. Any person who, without the authority of JSI, reproduces or uses the relevant patent, is equal to the infringement of the rights of JSI.
In case of conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the former will prevail.